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PREY&TOUCH® Pulse Point Ultra Strong Natural Premium Quality Pheromone Oil & Essential Oils for Men Roll-On 10ml
PREY&TOUCH® Pulse Point Ultra Strong Natural Premium Quality Pheromone Oil & Essential Oils for Men Roll-On 10ml
Since women naturally prefer strong and self-confident men PREY&TOUCH Man makes men more attractive in women's eyes.
The rest depends on your attitude and behavior. PREY&TOUCH® is known of its strong sensual nature, it is ANDROSTENONUM®-based product (worldwide Patented pheromone by our Company).
PREY&TOUCH® does its job especially during nighttime raptures when you crave a bit of wildness. PREY&TOUCH® increases desire in women on subliminal perception.
It has become obvious that pheromones have a greater effect on us than most people can imagine. Smell is much more important for people than visual perception.
We tested the effects of PREY&TOUCH® during speed-datings, in which men and women interacted with each other in a series of short meetings.
Men were perceived as more attractive when judged by women who smelled PREY&TOUCH® with Pheromone ANDROSTENONUM® on them - an effect seen in two of the three studies.
Award-winning preparation not only of an sensual but also social nature.
How to Use
Apply roll-on on your pulse points: behind your ears, on your neck and wrists. Re-apply when needed.